Numerous people lose sleep as a result of chronic snoring. Snoring occurs when the tissues in one’s mouth and throat, as well as your tongue, become overly relaxed. The air passage causes vibrations within the tissue, resulting in the audible snoring sound. Snoring can be highly inconvenient and could also indicate serious health issues. Snorers often find relief by using snore sprays that can reduce snoring right from the first use. 

Snoring Causes

Because people snore for various reasons, it’s critical to understand what’s causing your snoring. Once you comprehend why you snore, you can indeed find the best solutions for a more peaceful, deep sleep.

Common Causes of Snoring:

  • With age, your throat becomes narrower, and the muscle tone in your throat reduces. While there is nothing you can do about aging, lifestyle changes, different bedtime routines, and throat exercises can all help stop snoring.
  • Snoring is caused by fatty tissue and low muscle tone. Even if you are not obese in general, carrying extra weight around your neck or throat could indeed cause snoring. Exercising and weight loss is sometimes enough to stop snoring.
  • Because of the way you’ve built, men snore more than women because their airways are narrower. A narrow throat, cleft palate, expanded adenoids, and other physical characteristics related to snoring are frequently inherited. While you cannot change your physical appearance or gender, you may be able to control your snoring with the right lifestyle, bedtime routines, and throat exercises.
  • Blocked airways or a stuffy nose causes snoring, making it difficult to breathe and creating a vacuum inside the throat, resulting in snoring.
  • Tranquilizers like lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium), alcohol, and smoking can end up causing muscle relaxation, which also leads to more snoring.
  • Sleeping on your back relaxes the flesh of your throat, obstructing the airway. Changing your sleeping position can be beneficial.

Check For More Serious Causes

Snoring could be due to sleep apnea, a chronic sleep disorder in which your breathing is momentarily interrupted many times throughout the night. Normal snoring does not impair sleep quality as much as sleep apnea, so if you feel fatigued and drowsiness throughout the day, it may be a hint of sleep apnea or some other sleep-related breathing issue. If you or your sleeping partner notice some of the following red flags, contact your doctor right away:

  • Loud snoring and tiredness during the day.
  • During sleep, you may stop breathing, gasp, or choke.
  • You fall asleep at inconvenient times, like during a conversation or even a meal.

Self-help Suggestion

There are many anti-snoring solutions on the market today; more are being introduced all the time, and finding the perfect solution for your snoring can appear to be a daunting task. There are, however, numerous tried-and-true methods for reducing snoring. Because not every remedy is suitable for everyone, putting an end to your snoring could necessitate perseverance, changes in lifestyle, and a readiness to try out new solutions.

Stop Snoring at Night With These Bedtime Remedies

  • Sleep in a different position. Elevating your head by four inches may help you breathe easier and move your tongue and jaw forward. There are specially designed pillows that can help prevent snoring by keeping your neck muscles relaxed.
  • Try an anti-snoring nasal spray. These medicated nasal sprays decrease mouth breathing in their users and increase nasal breathing. They can reduce the snoring frequency and increase REM (deep sleep).
  • Rinse your sinuses with a salt solution before going to bed if you have a stuffy nose. A nasal decongestant, neti pot, or nasal strips while sleeping can also help you breathe more easily. If you have allergies, reduce the amount of dust mites and animal dander in your bedroom, and use allergy medicine.
  • Even dry air can irritate the membranes in your nose and throat, so if you have swollen nasal tissues, a humidifier may help.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Even a slight weight loss can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and reduce, or even stop, snoring.
  • Smokers are more likely to snore. Smoking irritates the nasal and throat membranes, which can block the airways and cause snoring. 
  • Alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives should be avoided because they promote relaxation in the throat and make breathing difficult. Also, please inform your doctor about any prescription medications you’re taking, as some of them encourage deeper sleep, which can exacerbate snoring.
  • According to research, eating heavy meals or certain food products such as dairy or soymilk straight before bedtime can aggravate snoring.
  • Exercise can help reduce snoring. Because toning muscles in the body, such as your arms, legs, and abs, results in toning your throat muscles, leading to less snoring. You can also do certain exercises to strengthen the muscles in your throat.

Dealing With Snoring Complaints

If a partner starts complaining about your snoring, it’s commonly taken as a surprise. After all, you had no idea it was happening. And while it may appear absurd that snoring could indeed cause such marital strife, it is a common and genuine issue.

If you dismiss your partner’s concerns and refuse to work with them to solve your snoring issue, you’re making it clear that you don’t care about their needs. This could indicate that your relationship is in dire straits, more severe than snoring.


Remember the following as you and your partner collaborate to come up with a solution to your snoring:

  • Snoring is a medical condition. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Improving the ailment is in your hands, just like with a pulled muscle or even a common cold.
  • Don’t take it personally. Try not to interpret your partner’s annoyance as a personal criticism or attack. Your partner adores you, except for the snoring.
  • Consider your partner seriously. Avoid downplaying complaints. Sleep deprivation is a health risk that can make your partner unhappy all day.
  • State clearly that the relationship is your top priority. If you and your partner share this understanding, you will both do whatever it takes to find a solution to the snoring problem.
  • Correct any inappropriate behavior. Although sleep deprivation can cause moodiness and irritability, make it clear to your partner that it is not acceptable for them to throw an elbow or snap at you while you are snoring.

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