According to the colleges of medicine at Harvard and Yale, nearly 40 million Americans are chronic or frequent snorers.  While it may seem that it’s not a big deal, other than a minor annoyance to their spouse or sleep partner, this type of snoring could be indicative of a more serious underlying condition such as obstructive sleep apnea.  So if by chance, you’re a chronic or frequent snorer, it is vital that you speak with your family physician about snore control and the different anti-snore options that are currently available.

The muscles of the throat naturally relax when you fall asleep and causes the tongue to fall back, narrowing throat. So, if anything is blocking the airflow through your mouth or nose (e.g. enlarged adenoids or tonsils, nasal polyps, or a sinus infection), it causes the tissues to vibrate and make the snoring sound. Keep in mind that children can have chronic, loud snoring issues as well. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics has often recommended that every child should be screened for snoring problems.

Whether a child snores or an adult does that, in most cases, the underlying issues remain the same. That is why if you have tried all remedies and even made lifestyle changes but you are snoring with the same intensity, it is time for a doctor to do some tests. 

What causes a Person to snore?

Snoring is typically caused by a blockage or obstruction of the airways which causes the tissues of the adenoids, soft palate, tongue, or tonsils to vibrate against each other.  In turn, these vibrations create a rattling or rumbling noise more commonly referred to as snoring.  There are certain factors that cause these blockages or obstructions such as:

  • Age
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Anatomical issues
  • Elongated soft palate
  • Enlarged adenoids or tonsils
  • Excess weight or obesity
  • Family history
  • Gender
  • Nasal blockages or obstructions
  • Overall health
  • Pregnancy
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sleeping position
  • Weak throat and tongue muscle tone

While snoring isn’t necessarily a bad thing – unless you’re the partner of a chronic or habitual snorer – most of us snore occasionally.  However, if your snoring is excessively loud or interferes with your quality of sleep, we recommend you see your physician or a sleep therapist about your anti-snore and snore control options. 

Type of Snoring and what It may indicate

Numerous research studies have concluded that the way an individual snores may, in fact, reveal why they snore.  For example:

  • Closed-mouth snoring may be indicative of a problem with your tongue. If it falls back into the throat, after you are asleep, it can cause an obstruction and press upon the respiratory track. That can narrow the airways and lead to snoring. 
  • Open-mouth snoring may be attributed to excess throat tissue. Chin straps and anti-nasal drops can do wonders in most cases. 
  • Snoring because you sleep on your back, although it may be mild snoring, can often be corrected by simply changing your sleep position. It is good to sleep on the side as it ensures that airways are optimized for proper breathing. 

Regarding the third point above, if you snore regardless of your sleep position, this could be attributed to a more serious underlying condition (e.g. sleep apnea) and may require some form of medical treatment.  Furthermore, there are several complications that can result when you snore, although in most cases, these may be attributed to the condition known as OSA or obstructive sleep apnea.  For instance, you frequently wake up numerous times throughout the night without realizing it.

Chronic or frequent snoring can interfere with your quality of sleep.  This often leads to excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, irritability, and an elevated risk of more serious health conditions such as

  • Diabetes
  • Enlarging of the heart
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Stroke

Since chronic or frequent snoring can pose a serious threat to your heath, you should visit your family physician or consult with a sleep therapist about the problem.  They will be able to recommend an anti-snore solution and snore control options.

How is habitual Snoring treated?

Physicians and healthcare providers employ a broad range of treatment modalities to alleviate snoring issues so you can enjoy better sleep quality.  The option that best facilitates your needs often depends on a number of different factors that include your health history, personal preferences, and the severity of your snoring.  This includes several surgical and non-surgical options.  Non-surgical anti-snore options include:

  • Lifestyle changes including avoiding alcoholic beverages before bedtime, changing your sleeping position, and maintaining a healthier weight
  • Medications such as allergy and cold medications that enable you to breathe freely by clearing up nasal congestion
  • Nasal dilators or strips that keep your nasal passageways open so you’re less likely to snore
  • Oral appliances that push your jaw and tongue forward so air can flow freely and prevent snoring

In more severe cases, your physician or healthcare provider may recommend surgery to improve on the physical anomality that might be leading to your snoring issues. These are some of the following surgical options for snore control, but only as a last resort:

  • Adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy – this surgical procedure removes excess tissue from the back of the nose or throat to improve breathing and airflow
  • LAUP or laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty – improves breathing by reducing soft palate tissue
  • RFA or radiofrequency ablation – professionally referred to as Somnoplasty®, this technique shrinks excess soft palate and tongue tissue using radiofrequency energy
  • Septoplasty – your physician may recommend this surgical procedure if you have a deviated septum.  It reshapes the bone and cartilage of the nose to help improve airflow and breathing.

Asonor Anti-snoring Solution is an anti-snore and snore control product that’s been proven effective in 3 out of every 4 cases tested.  For more information on this product, send your questions to [email protected] or visit our website. Our business representatives are available to assist you with your custom questions and queries. Call us today to know more about our product.

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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