Have you ever woken up alone in bed because your partner wound up sleeping on the couch or in another bedroom? Is your relationship in trouble because of your snoring? These problems are very common among in relationships where one partner’s snoring keeps the other partner from getting a decent night’s sleep. 

Consequently, a lack of quality sleep can adversely affect your health and your relationships.  In fact, statistics show that snoring is the 3rd leading cause of separation and divorce in the US. Additionally, sleep deprivation leads to poor alertness, daytime drowsiness and low productivity at work.

If you’re not getting the quality sleep you need and/or your partner is complaining about your snoring and how he or she can’t sleep at night because of it, it may be time to talk with a specialist. By determining the cause of your snoring, they can recommend one of the many anti-snore devices available today. So how do you determine which option is right for you? Remember, snoring can be a complex issue. Thus, you have to determine which option is the best solution.

Snoring Risk Factors

When you breathe, air flows through your mouth, nose, and throat.  So if there’s a blockage or obstruction in your airway, the tissues vibrate against one another as the air flows past your adenoids, soft palate, tongue, and tonsils. Any loose tissue vibrates when you inhale and exhale. These vibrations make the rattling or rumbling noise we commonly refer to as snoring.  This obstruction in your airway can be caused by:

  • age
  • alcohol
  • anatomical anomalies
  • family history of snoring
  • gender
  • overall health
  • sedatives
  • weight

While there are common risk factors for snoring, keep in mind that it doesn’t mean that snoring is always bad. In fact, nearly 50% of all adults snore occasionally. Most common reasons for snoring include loss of muscle tone, abnormally sized uvula, while the increased mucus leads to nasal congestion.

Many people snore due to allergies and that can be brought under control through histamines. However, if you snore heavily every night and wake up gasping for breath, it is essnetial to seek medical care as you may be at risk of sleep apnea.

The 4 Types of Snoring

Poor sleep quality is often associated with chronic or frequent snoring.  However, it can also be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition known as sleep apnea.  So in order to determine which anti-snore device or quit snoring device is right for you, it’s important to determine the type of snoring affecting you.  There are 4 types as follows:

  • Mouth snoring – if you inhale through your mouth while sleeping, there may be some type of obstruction in your nasal passage ways that’s causing your snoring.
  • Nasal snoring – if your nasal passageways are blocked by a deviated septum or some other anatomical obstruction, you may be suffering with this type of snoring.
  • Throat snoring – as the loudest and most dangerous form of snoring, throat snoring is an indicator of sleep apnea, a disorder that interrupts your breathing pattern as you sleep.  Throat snoring occurs when the throat muscles and soft tissues relax too much and obstruct your airway.
  • Tongue snoring – when your tongue gets too relaxed, it can block the airflow to your lungs and cause you to snore.  Tongue snoring commonly occurs among back sleepers and individuals who drink alcohol and/or take sedatives.

Once you’ve determined the type of snorer you are, it will be easier to determine the type of anti-snore device or quit snoring device that is right for your particular situation.

5 Factors to consider when choosing the right Anti-snoring Solution

While some anti-snore devices and quit snoring devices have been around for some time now, new technologies are becoming readily available as well.  Some are invasive while others are non-invasive and cause less discomfort when sleeping.  Some of the more common anti-snoring technologies include:

  • anti-snore pillows
  • APAP (automatic positive airway pressure), BIPAP (bi-level positive airway pressure), and CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines
  • chin straps
  • mandibular advancement devices
  • nasal dilators
  • nasal sprays
  • nose strips
  • tongue retainers

Although these have all been proven effective based on the type of snoring they help prevent, how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Here are 5 factors to take into consideration when determining which anti-snore device or quit snoring device is the right choice for you:

  • Read recommendations and reviews – it’s important to consider what consumers are saying when choosing a solution.  Third party reviews can be extremely helpful where this is concerned.
  • Cost factor – although this is less important than finding a product that works, having to continually replace the product you’re using will cause the cost to add up over time.
  • Comfort – this is one of the most important factors to consider.  The more invasive a particular device is, the less you’ll be able to tolerate it.
  • Transportability – snoring doesn’t stop when you take a vacation or travel.  So make sure the device you choose is easy to take along on your trips.
  • Return policy – remember, a company that stands behind their product will offer it on a risk-free basis with a 100% money-back guarantee.

One of the most effective products on the American, Canadian, and European markets today is Asonor Anti-snoring Spray and Solution, a product that has been clinically proven effective in 3 out of every 4 cases studied.  The quick spray has been crafted in a GMP-certified facility, approved by the FDA. All listed ingredients of are on FDA GRAS list Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). This makes it a tried and tested remedy to stop snoring today.

If you have queries or want to know more about our roduct or ways to stop snoring, talkw ith our business representatives now. Additionally, to learn more, visit our website, or e-mail your questions to [email protected].

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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