Snoring is not only a nuisance, but about 70% of the people that heavily snore are likely to develop sleep apnea. Additionally, snoring raises the risk of developing a host of other health issues. Now, it is time to not only look at the real reason behind what causes your snoring, but to cure snoring naturally.

Snoring occurs when air flows through the narrowed respiratory passages as you breathe. That causes the relaxed tissue to vibrate leading to harsh sounds that is termed as snoring. Most people ignore the snores as a mere inconvenience, but the fact is that it is a harbinger of health problems, including:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Mood swings and behavioral issues
  • Obesity

Thus, it is essential to take into account the reason behind the snoring issues. Although there are many simple remedies and lifestyle changes that you can consider, if you snore mildly or are a moderate snorer.

Natural Method to Cure Snoring

Although there are various invasive and non-invasive methods to cure snoring, you might not be aware that there are natural ways to cure snoring. Some of the key aspects of reducing or stop snoring include:

Weight Loss: 

One of the main factors behind snoring is the additional layers of accumulated fat in the nek and throat area. It tends to put pressure on the respiratory track and narrows the airways, causing you to snore. Having an active lifestyle, changing your diet and losing weight can reduce the nightly snores.  

Weight Loss

Sleeping Position:

If you sleep o your back, you tend to snore more than if you sleep on your side. That is because when you lay on your back, the airways narrow down and loose tissue vibrates, causing you to snore. When you sleep on your back, you breathe better with wider airways so you tend to snore less.

Abstain from Smoking and Alcohol:

Drinking alcohol in the evening helps to relax your muscles in the neck and throat, which causes you to snore more. While smoking irritates respiratory track and causes inflammation, narrowing the airways. That leads to air being forced over the loose tissue when you inhale and exhale when you sleep. And that is the secret behind the loud snoring.

Abstain from Smoking and Alcohol

Stay Hydrated:

One of the little-known natural ways to cure snoring is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration causes thicker mucus to form in the nasal passages, reducing your ability to breathe normally. And that leads to snoring. Thus, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Using Nasal Strips and Sprays: Nasal congestion leads to snoring. Thus, use nasal saline sprays to clean the nasal congestion before you sleep whiel nasal strips can improve airflow by widening the nostrils.

Get a humidifier:

Dry air worsens snoring while moist air lubricates the throat tissues. That is why if you are snoring loudly every night, a humidifier will add moisture to the indoor air. That will ensure easier breathing and avoid snoring.

Get a humidifier

Tongue and Throat Muscle Exercises: 

Strengthening the muscles of the throat and tongue is known to cure snoring. When the tongue and throat muscles are overly relaxed, you tend to snore. When you do the mandatory exercise to strengthen them, you can cure or at least reduce snoring. Singling is one of the popular exercises to enhance the throat muscles.  

Avoid Dairy Products:

Milk and other dairy products are known to enhance inflammation in the nasal and respiratory passages. That leads to higher amount of mucus which clogs up the respiratory airways and you snore more.

Avoid Dairy Products

Change the Pillows:

Most people snore when they have allergies. Using old and unclean pillows can trigger it as the dust mites accumulate in it. Another reason for allergens is allowing pets in bed as pet dander can be an irritant. Allergies lead to clogged up nose, sneezing and narrow air passages lead to snoring at night.

Importance of Adequate Sleep:

If you work long hours or are sleep deprived, then you might snore heavily when you sleep. When you sleep deeply after being awake for long hours, the muscles over-relax and you snore.

Importance of Adequate Sleep  

Which Snoring Remedy Is Right For Me?

Exploring a natural cure for snoring can be a transformative step toward improving your sleep quality and overall health. With various natural methods available, finding the right remedy involves understanding the underlying causes of your snoring and tailoring your approach to address these specific issues effectively.


Natural cures for snoring include lifestyle changes such as weight loss, altering sleeping positions, abstaining from smoking and alcohol, staying hydrated, using nasal strips and sprays like Asonor, getting a humidifier, engaging in tongue and throat muscle exercises, avoiding dairy products, changing pillows, and ensuring adequate sleep. These methods address the root causes of snoring without the need for invasive procedures.

Reducing snoring naturally involves adopting healthier lifestyle habits. This includes losing weight, sleeping on your side, avoiding alcohol and smoking, staying hydrated, using nasal aids for better breathing, maintaining a humid environment, performing exercises to strengthen throat muscles, avoiding dairy before bedtime, keeping pillows clean, and ensuring sufficient sleep to prevent muscle over-relaxation.

Yes, natural remedies can be effective for snoring, particularly when the causes are related to lifestyle factors. Improving your overall health through diet, exercise, and good sleep hygiene can significantly reduce or eliminate snoring. However, effectiveness varies from person to person, and it’s important to persist with these changes to see results.

Lifestyle changes that can help with snoring include achieving a healthy weight, adopting a side-sleeping position, reducing alcohol and smoking, ensuring adequate hydration, using nasal congestion aids, sleeping in a humid environment, practicing throat and tongue exercises, avoiding dairy products at night, maintaining clean sleeping areas to reduce allergens, and prioritizing regular, restful sleep.

Yes, there are effective natural methods to stop snoring. These methods, which focus on addressing the physical and environmental factors contributing to snoring, include weight management, optimized sleeping positions, reduced substance use, improved hydration, breathing support through nasal aids, air moisture control, strengthening of respiratory muscles, dietary adjustments, allergen management, and establishing a healthy sleep routine. Consistency with these practices can lead to significant improvements in snoring.

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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