Sleep apnea, is a sleep disorder that is characterized by breathing pauses when an individual is asleep. It affects millions of people all over the world with detrimental effect on their health and well-being. Marketed as non-invasive remedies to alleviate of sleep apnea symptoms, nasal drops, nasal dilators and nasal strips, have been used for years.
What Causes Sleep Apnea?
Of the 4 types of snoring (mouth, nasal, throat, and tongue), we are focusing on nasal breathing, its correlation with obstructive sleep apnea or nasal sleep apnea, and nasal breathing benefits. Nasal snoring can result from a blockage, such as congestion in either or both nostrils or a deviated septum, but could also be caused by:
certain medications
colds or seasonal allergies
dust and pet allergies
nose stiffness
Fortunately, nasal snoring is treatable, depending on the cause of it, as follows:
keeping one’s home clean and organized
quitting smoking
surgery to correct a deviated septum
treating congestion with Asonor Anti-snoring Spray and Snoring Solution
using a nasal dilator or nasal strips
If you suspect you may be a nasal snorer or have nasal sleep apnea, here are 3 ways to diagnose your condition:
breathing through your nose is difficult, even when you’re awake
you experience bad breath, dry mouth and headaches
your snoring sounds like you’re grunting or whistling loudly
These symptoms will help you determine whether or not you have an issue with nasal snoring. However, even the slightest concerned should be discussed with your family doctor or an ear, nose, and throat doctor (otolaryngologist).
What are the 4 Grades of Snoring?
Believe it or not, there is a grading system that helps doctors and specialists determine how severe a person’s snoring may be. It includes 4 grades of snoring as follows:
Grade 1 or “simple snoring” applies to individuals who only snore occasionally and not very loudly. The person’s breathing is normal and there are only minimum health issues attributed to this type of snoring.
Grade 2 snorers snore 3 or more days during the week and may experience mild to moderate breathing problems while they sleep.
Grade 3 is characterized by louder snoring that can often be heard outside of the snorer’s bedroom. In some instances, Grade 3 snoring may be associated with OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).
Grade 4 snoring is considered the most severe and poses certain health threats if left untreated. This type of snoring is commonly associated with OSA and warrants medical attention for diagnosis and treatment.
A study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine in 2017 reviewed many random and controlled trials, while it concluded that nasal devices could significantly enhance subjective sleep quality. It highlighted that the nasal devices reduced snoring, but had limited effect on the treatment of sleep apnea (OSA).
The Importance of Breathing through Your Nose
Although most us rarely think about it, breathing is an important, natural function of human biology. However, there are certain nasal breathing benefits that all of us need to be aware of. As a component of the body, our noses were specifically designed for breathing, the benefits of which include but aren’t strictly limited to:
assisting our immune systems
improving lung volume
increasing airflow to arteries, nerves, and veins
increasing our circulation
lowering the risk of allergies and hay fever
lowering the risk of sleep apnea and snoring
reducing our exposure to foreign substances
Furthermore, your nose ensures correct and safe breathing. Consequently, individuals who breathe through their noses enjoy the benefits listed above. Additionally, they enjoy better sleep quality compared to individuals that are considered mouth breathers.
Although while nasal devices do offer symptomatic relief in levels of snoring, these devices are not the standard treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. CPAP or Continuous positive airway pressure system is still considered the best for managing Obstructive Sleep Apnea, as it provides steady flow of air support when you are asleep.
Treating Nasal Snoring
Nasal devices such as dilators and nose strips can help keep your nostrils open while you sleep and eliminate or at least reduce the frequency and intensity of your snoring episodes. However, if nasal blockages are commonly associated with OSA, these devices may not be as effective at treating your snoring. In cases where a person’s snoring is associated with nasal blockages or congestion, Asonor Anti-snoring Spray and Snoring Solution will provide the relief you’re looking for. All that an individual needs to do is put in 3-4 drops of this effective nasal drops in each nostril and let it flow down the throat. It will tighten the nasal and throat tissues, helping you breathe easier when asleep.
To learn more about this amazingly effective product, please e-mail your questions to [email protected] or you can visit our website for additional information about the product and ordering your specific needs.