Snoring is common, but wllllhy do men snore more than women? Statistically, 24% people snore regularly while men tend to snore more to women. That is because of the differences in the hormonal factors, and physical structure of the throat, neck vary among men and women. Anatomically, men have narrower airways as compared to women while they have a higher density of soft tissue. This enhances the chances of obstructions in the airway, causing snoring. Additionally, women are protected by the female hormones – progesterone and estrogen that promote muscle toning and bronchodilation, reducing a risk of snoring.
What are the more common Causes of Snoring in Men?
Snoring is caused by several factors, many of which can be treated by making certain lifestyle changes or by taking other non-invasive measures. As you sleep, the soft palate along with your throat and tongue muscles relax. This causes the airway to grow narrower and your airflow becomes more forceful which increases the volume of your snoring. The following 5 conditions can affect your airway and cause you to snore:
Alcohol consumption – consuming excess alcohol prior to bedtime can cause you to snore because it relaxes the muscles of the throat and decreases the ability to keep your airway unobstructed.
Anatomy of your mouth – if you have an elongated uvula, have extra throat tissue due to being overweight, or have a thicker than normal soft palate, you’ll be more prone to snoring than individuals who aren’t affected by these anatomical anomalies.
Nasal problems – chronic nasal congestion or a deviated septum can also be the cause of your snoring.
Factor in the Age – As men age, the muscle strength and tone decrease which makes it more prone to tongue falling back into the throat. It is due to the muscles relaxing that your chances of snoring increases. Low levels of testosterone, which may occur with age or certain medical conditions, can lead to muscle relaxation in the throat, increasing the risk of snoring.
Sleep deprivation – a lack of quality sleep can lead to relaxation of the throat muscles and cause you to snore.
Sleeping position – thanks to the effects of gravity on the throat and a narrowing of the airway, snoring tends to happen more frequently and is the loudest among individuals who sleep on their backs.
Furthermore, in addition to annoying your bed partner, snoring that’s associated with obstructive sleep apnea can put you at risk of other health complications.
Why Men Snore More Than Women
In a recent study, Fabozzi, A., Pasqualotto, F., Laguardia, M. et al. ‘Gender Differences In Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Pilot Study’ (2024) published in the medical journal, ‘Sleep and Breathing’ highlighted the fact that Obstructive Sleep apnea often presents clinically different symptoms in men and women. From cardiorespiratory monitoring to CPAP therapeutic adherence, the study proved that men had higher supine AHI or apneas and hypopneas as compared to women.
Well, the fact is that scientific studies have proven that men snore more than women and here are some reasons:
- Alcohol and other sedatives can exacerbate snoring
- Obesity leads to higher risk of snoring due to the pressure on airways due to fatty layers over the face and neck
- Back and stomach sleep positions can increase snoring
- Allergies, colds and deviated septum can make you snore loud and regular
- Older aged men snore more due to the weak muscles due to age and low testosterone
- Longer uvula can cause snoring and limit airflow
- Smoking causes inflammation in the nasal passages, leading to narrowing of the airways. That is why smokers snore more.
Snoring heavily is one of the markers for sleep apnea and it has been seen that men tend to have a higher percentage of risk than women.
Role Of Testosterone in Snoring
As per the published study, ‘Association between snoring frequency and male serum testosterone: Findings from the 2015–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey’, it was seen that men in the age group of 40 years to 59 years, regular snoring was inversely associated with the hormone, testosterone.
Testosterone has a huge impact on snoring as it affects the muscle tone and functioning of the breathing airways. Varying levels of testosterone can relax the throat muscles, leading to soft tissue blockages during sleep. And that is another reason that men snore more than women.
What causes Snoring in Males
The causes of snoring vary for each individual and it can be reduced by addressing the underlying issues. Here are some ways to reduce your snoring:
- Maintain a healthy weight. Exercise and have a healthy diet to lose extra fat around the neck as that can obstruct the airways.
- It is good to sleep on your side instead of on your back, helps to keep the tongue in place and airways open to reduce snoring.
- Try to avoid alcohol and sedatives especially a few hours before going to bed, as it increases muscle relaxation in the throat.
- Nasal sprays/strips and Asonor anti-snoring drops help to reduce snoring by opening the airways and alleviate congestion.
How to Reduce Snoring in Men
For temporary relief, Asonor Anti-snoring Spray and Snoring Solution Online can help reduce the intensity and number of snoring episodes you experience. To learn more about what causes snoring in males, visit our website today or e-mail your questions to [email protected].