What is Early Pregnancy Insomnia?

Early pregnancy insomnia is one of the reasons for sleepless nights and tired mornings. Usually, it starts in the first trimester and women often experience poor sleep patterns, waking up frequently at night or not being able to sleep early at night. Additionally, those who are already suffering with sleep apnea need to find that the symptoms are stronger at this crucial time. And those who never had issues with sleeping before may find themselves trying to get quality sleep every night.

Common Causes of Insomnia during Pregnancy

There are multiple reasons that a pregnant individual develops insomnia. Usually, early pregnancy insomnia starts in the first trimester, and you may have problems falling asleep due to the changing hormone levels. However, insomnia slowly increases by the third trimester as the body changes with the growth of the fetus. Insomnia during pregnancy might be more difficult, if you are having sleep apnea. When you suffer from sleep apnea, you tend to wake up gasping for breath multiple times during the night due to cessation of breathing and heavy snoring.

Additionally, sleep deprivation during the pregnancy puts you at a higher risk of anxiety and depression after the baby’s birth. It has been studied that better sleep hygiene reduces the risk of postpartum depression. Thus, using anti-snoring products helps to get you better sleep and reduces snoring considerably. Here are some key reasons of insomnia during pregnancy:

  • Hormones: Increased hormone levels lead to rising levels of progesterone. That enhances change in sleep patterns. That is why you may develop insomnia as the pregnancy advances.
  • Increased nausea and heart rate: With the growing fetus, the pressure on the organs tends to increase the heart rate. Frequent vomit and nausea during the initial phase can lead to poor sleep quality.
  • Snoring: Sudden increase in weight around the face and chest leads to snoring. If you are afflicted with sleep apnea, snoring gets worse and you often wake up gasping for breath. It tends to increase daytime drowsiness, cognitive issues and sleep deprivation.
  • Cramps and pain: Physical discomfort can leave you sleepless as you might have restless leg syndrome, get cramps and pain in the back or limbs. Trying to sleep through such discomfort might affect the quality of sleep.
  • Frequent urination: As the pregnancy advances, pressure on the bladder is increased and that leads to frequent urination, waking up every few hours. That affects the quality of sleep at night.
  • Anxiety and heartburn: Hormonal imbalances can lead to anxiety, keeping you awake at night. Pressure on the digestive system as the fetus grows, often causes acid reflux and heartburn. That can lead to discomfort and evade sleep.

Symptoms of Early Pregnancy Insomnia

During the first trimester, your sleep pattern is influenced by the enhanced levels of the hormone, progesterone. The hormone is necessary to facilitate a healthy pregnancy but it tends to make you fatigued and increases the body warmth, which might be uncomfortable.

Additionally, apart from a change in your body clock and sleep patterns, you might be made uncomfortable with constant nausea, morning sickness, frequent urination, anxiety, headaches/backaches which tend to keep you up at night. You may start experiencing cramps and pains in limbs that leave you awake at night.

If you had sleep apnea before, after the pregnancy and weight gain, the symptoms can get worse. Additionally, snoring increases which can contribute to interrupted sleep and daytime drowsiness as a consequence of it.

First Trimester Insomnia: The Warning Signs

At some point during their pregnancy, women will have trouble sleeping. This shouldn’t come as any surprise considering the constant need to urinate, heartburn, and nausea are all common occurrences during this time. During your first trimester, you may experience some of these early signs of pregnancy insomnia:

  • You constantly need to urinate – there’s a dramatic increase in your body’s blood levels during pregnancy. Consequently, the additional fluid gets processed by your kidneys and ends up in your bladder. This increases the urge to urinate.
  • You feel exhausted throughout the day – this sudden craving for napping during the day is attributed to higher levels of progesterone, the hormone that regulates your reproductive cycle and makes you feel drowsy in the process.
  • Your level of discomfort increases – your recent breast soreness makes it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. This is especially true if you usually sleep on your stomach. This is the ideal time to train yourself to sleep on your side.

What are the Complications of Insomnia during Early Pregnancy?

Restful sleep is a must for a pregnant woman. It has been seen that insomnia in early pregnancy can lead to complexities for the mother and the baby. Here is quick look on the complications of insomnia during early pregnancy:

  • Higher Levels of Anxiety and Stress: Sleep deprivation due to insomnia can lead to hormonal changes, emotional instability and mood swings.
  • Fatigue: Lack of restful sleep leads to mental and physical exhaustion. That leads to sleep deprivation, daytime drowsiness, poor concentration, cognitive impairment and chronic fatigue.
  • Lowers Immunity: Sleeping helps heal the body and strengthens the immune system. Poor sleep leaves you vulnerable to infections that can lead to further complications during the pregnancy.
  • Risk of fetal complications: Insomnia can lead to preeclampsia and hypertension as the pregnancy advances. Additionally, sleep deprivation may disrupt hormonal functions that are essential for healthy fetal development.
  • Postpartum depression: Proper sleep pattern is important to ensure cognition and emotional balance. Insomnia during pregnancy increases your risk to postpartum depression.

Home Remedies And Treatment for Early Pregnancy Insomnia

The treatment of insomnia can be challenging during pregnancy. However, it’s not impossible to do so. While many medications are deemed unsafe for pregnant women, there are certain lifestyle changes that may be helpful such as:

  • avoiding chocolate and other heartburn triggers
  • drinking lots of water
  • eating several smaller meals earlier in the day
  • keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet
  • limiting your caffeine intake
  • staying off your phone prior to bedtime
  • stretching your leg muscles prior to bedtime
  • taking short naps
  • taking warm baths
  • walking about 30 minutes every day

If you’re having an issue with snoring during your pregnancy, Asonor Anti-snoring Spray and Snoring Solution Online will help alleviate the problem. For more information, our business representatives are available to discuss more about our product and issues with snoring that you need to resolve. Call us today!

Tips for Comfortable Sleep During Pregnancy

The best way to get proper sleep is by lifestyle changes. Additionally, here are some quick tips for comfortable sleep during pregnancy:

  • Cozy sleep environment: Have a quiet and dark sleep environment with a nightlight to avoid waking up completely when making a trip to the bathroom. Keep all your electronic devices away from the bedroom.
  • Have a sleep and exercise schedule: Follow a timeline to sleep and for waking up. Sticking to a schedule can help you sleep better. Walking is good exercise but you can always consult with your doctor for more guidance.
  • Use body pillows: You will gain weight and need pillows to support your back and midsection. Use pregnancy pillows that are designed to support the body and legs as the body changes.
  • Try Relaxation techniques: A massage or a warm bath can help you relax and sleep better. Meditation can calm the mind and reduce anxiety.
  • Sleeping position: It is best to sleep on your side. Not only does it provide the best circulation but helps to reduce snoring, swelling in the legs and makes sleeping easier.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy Insomnia

Usually, yes. Your body is adapting to the growing fetus, while a myriad of hormonal chances is taking place, especially a high increase in estrogen and progesterone. Additionally, you may be experiencing discomfort and pain related to the pregnancy, which can be the reason for early pregnancy insomnia.

If you don’t sleep properly during pregnancy, it starts to leave you sleep deprived, affects your mood and cognitive functions. Additionally, you are at a risk of complications in the pregnancy such as developing hypertension, gestational diabetes, premature birth and preeclampsia.

It is common to experience insomnia in early pregnancy. With an increase in hormones and increased weight as the fetus develops, your sleep schedule might be disrupted. You might experience discomfort and pain in various parts of the body, nausea and fatigue that can affect your sleep. It is good to ask a doctor for guidance or use non-invasive anti-snoring products to sleep better.

You might experience insomnia during early pregnancy or it can last the whole 9 months. It depends on the individual and can come and go as per your hormones and health during this period. Using a pregnancy pillow and other sleep aids can help you sleep better.

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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