
Studies have shown that around fifty percent of the population has the tendency to snore. This fact shows that snoring is not uncommon – but very few snorers take matters in their hands. Most of the people just grumble about it and let it be. But, did you know that snoring can lead to a life-threatening condition called obstructive sleep apnea? Moreover, let us not overlook the fact that snoring also causes friction in personal relationships. While you cannot completely get rid of snoring, you can surely tackle it with the following snoring relief products.

Snoring Sprays

Asonor Nasal Spray Bottle_200x265

These are another alternative and extremely affordable at that. Although you may experience a bitter after taste, when you think of the benefits, you will realize that it is the best snoring relief. A snoring spray will make the lining of your nostrils smaller, which in turn would reduce snoring. Asonor is one such snoring spray that has helped many snorers.


snore solution mouth guard

With the help of an anti snoring mouthpiece, you will be able to position your lower jaw correctly, when you are asleep. This particular snoring aid ensures that your airway is not closed while you sleep. But, there is a catch – at times wearing the mouthpiece can lead to unrestrained secretion of saliva and a slight variation in the arrangement of your teeth. You need to consult a dentist if such is the case with you.


Firm Pillows

In short, anti snoring pillows are built in such a way that once you put your head on them, they automatically hold your neck in a certain position which makes it easier for you to breathe in a favorable manner. While this snoring aid has no side effects, it might not be the solution for everyone. However, there is no harm to try. When you go for an anti-snoring pillow, remember that there are plenty of brands in the market selling these. Choose one, which you think, will be the most suitable for you.

Nasal Strips

Nasal Strip

If you want to avoid using mouthpieces, drugs or any other anti-snoring machine, then nasal strips is a good bet too. Residential rehab help also have treatment services that you can check online. Nasal strips help you to breathe properly by reducing the speed of your nasal exhalations. However, you are bound to breathe through your mouth instead of the nose when you are asleep.

Once you use any of the above snoring aids, you no longer have to sleep in another room, to keep yourself from disturbing the sleep of your partner. The moment, your snoring gets reduced – your social, professional and personal life will get better, and your relationship with yourself and others will drastically improve.

Additionally, here are some tips to help cure you of those loud noises that give sleepless nights to everyone around you:

Lose Weight

If you are on the healthier side (we didn’t say fat), it is time you started hitting the gym on a regular basis as your weight may be the reason behind your snores. It is important to have your weight in control for not only staying healthy and in shape but also avoid certain conditions like snoring. Excess weight can block your air passage and not let air pass through it easily. So, it is time you started thinking about shedding all the extra carbs that you have been putting inside your body.


Chuck it out of your life now! Smoking not only causes snoring but also leads to many dangerous diseases. It doesn’t make people look cool. Being healthy is the most important thing in life and smoking takes away all the good that you have with you. No matter why you began smoking, quit it so that you can be free of its clutches and live a healthy life that you so deserve. Smoking has a very bad effect on our respiratory system. You will see a reduction in snoring once you chuck the lean lady out of your life. Smoking kills.

Improve Sleep Patterns

It does your body no good to keep changing the hours of sleep. Maintain fixed hours of sleep and do not shift your bed time just because you are busy with something else. Your body clock gets disturbed when you keep changing your bed time. The human body has a natural clock set by Mother Nature which, when disturbed, can be the reason behind your snores. Do not disturb it. It may trouble you later.

Avoid Sedatives

Taking heavy medicines at night, using sleeping pills or drinking alcohol before sleep also leads to snoring. The sedatives relax the throat muscles which are not able to function properly. This causes a barrier in the passage of air and thus, kicks in the snoring. Try to avoid any heavy doses at night so that you can sleep tight.

If you are looking for an immediate treatment of snoring, you may have to take help of nasal sprays and drops but most importantly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle goes a long way. Our body needs constant polishing in order to stay fit even when it gets old. Therefore, keep bad habits at bay and accept all the good things that life has to offer you.

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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