One of the most troubling statistics regarding life in the US is the fact that 50% of all American marriages now end in divorce.  In fact, the US has the 3rd highest divorce rate in the world behind the Maldives (#1) and Belarus (#2).  Research has shown that there are 10 primary reasons why people get divorced in this country.  The first is the lack of commitment, the second is infidelity, and the third is excessive arguing and conflict.  Interestingly enough, one of the issues that often lead to the third reason and is also one that is overlooked is snoring problems. That is one of the reasons that snoring should not be ignored- neither as a relationship issue nor as a health hazard. 

Facts surrounding Snoring and Relationships

Sharing your bed with your partner or spouse is one of the greatest experiences in our lives.  It is the ultimate act of intimacy and truth in a loving relationship.  Unfortunately, we’re seeing increasing numbers of couples who are getting what we refer to as a “sleep divorce.”  This is an arrangement made by some couples to sleep in separate rooms due to one of the partner’s loud snoring.

The bottom line is that snoring adversely affects the person snoring as well as their bed partner and damages the quality and quantity of sleep that both individuals get.  This can lead to a lengthy list of cognitive and physical problems.  Additionally, the risk of arguments and dissension increases due to a number of negative behavior patterns that are attributed to the lack of sleep. It leads to poor focus at work, low alertness levels and daytime drowsiness in both the snorer and their bed partner. 

It’s truly a double-edged sword where snoring problems and the strain it can put on relationships is concerned.  It can even lead to a deep resentment for one another.  For example, the partner of the snorer will blame them for preventing them from getting the sleep they need while, the snorer resents their partner for making an issue out of it.  Getting an elbow to the rib cage to stop them from snoring doesn’t help either. There are underlying reasons for your snoring. Whether it is a dairy allergy or being overweight that is causing you to snore, it is essential to try either OTC remedies or see a doctor for medical related issues. 

7 Ways that Snoring adversely affects Your Health

The truth of the matter is that snoring affects both the snorer as well as their partner.  Yet while the health effects of snoring and the snoring that results when a person has sleep apnea are well documented, considerably less attention is paid to the snorer’s partner and the effects it can have on them.  Here are 7 ways that your snoring could be adversely affecting your health:

  • Anxiety and depression – sleep deprivation can have an even stronger effect on a person’s moods.  When a person doesn’t get enough quality sleep, it can lead to an increased production of cortisol, the stress hormone.  Numerous studies have shown a correlation between the lack of quality sleep and alcohol use, anxiety, depression, and higher stress levels.
  • Cardiovascular disease – by itself, poor sleep quality is associated with an elevated risk of developing cardiovascular disease as well as heart attacks and strokes.  In fact, it’s been proven that one night of poor sleep can spike a healthy individual’s blood pressure. Additionally, lack of sleep adds to the stress on the body and mind causing previous health issues to increase. 
  • Focus and memory – the occasional sleepless night isn’t usually a cause for concern.  However, prolonged episodes of interrupted sleep can lead to anxiety, decreased alertness and performance, distractibility, and drowsiness as well as cognitive and memory impairment. REM sleep is important for adequate alertness and cognitive functioning. A snorer is frequently interrupted during sleep and that does not allow them to access deep sleep levels, leaving them exhausted with drowsiness during the day. 
  • Hearing loss – although snoring might sound like someone is operating a chainsaw, the noise doesn’t quite reach that level of intensity.  However, it can still be loud enough to cause hearing damage.  Research has proven that loud snoring can lead to noise-induced hearing loss in the more extreme cases, especially in the ear of the partner that is closest to them.
  • Sleep deprivation – other than getting irritated with their partner’s snoring, one of the more serious consequences of sleeping with a chronic snorer is sleep deprivation.  Based on research conducted by the Mayo Clinic, partners or spouses of snorers lose an average of an hour of sleep every night.
  • Weight control – while exercise and proper nutrition play significant roles in weight maintenance, it’s now more apparent that poor quality of sleep puts a person at an elevated risk of obesity.  The lack of proper sleep increases insulin secretion after eating and promotes the storage of fat.  Furthermore, obesity is associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes. The extra fat layers press upon the trachea when the person lays down and narrows the airways, leading to snoring. With weight loss, the muscles strengthen and promote better health. 
  • Relationship health – in some cases, partners will resort to different solutions such as earplugs, sleeping in different rooms, and snoring devices in order to deal with the stress caused by their partner’s or spouse’s snoring.  This can lead to distancing themselves from one another and feelings of resentment.  On the bright side, once the issue is addressed and snoring is properly treated with a clinically proven and effective product like Asonor Anti snoring solution, the health of the relationship usually improves.

To learn more about this fantastic product and how it can effectively relieve snoring problems, contact Asonor today by sending a message to [email protected] or by visiting our website. Our business representatives are available to help you with your requirements so call now.


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