Has your wife snoring and keeping you up? It might sound weird but the fact is that many women snore. When it comes to snoring, the most common stereotype is that men typically snore more than women. However, is this really the case? What causes snoring? Snoring is caused by a blockage or obstruction in the airway when a person is breathing during sleep. In some cases, it can be noisy and extremely annoying to their sleeping partner. Thus, the question that often arises is, “Is snoring normal?” When you’re a chronic snorer, it’s your sleeping partner or roommates that are the ones who suffer. From lack of sleep to constantly disturbed sleep can lead to mood swings and low alertness at work.

Snoring is more than an Annoyance or Nuisance

Furthermore, you will probably not be aware of the problem. However, in some cases, snoring may be something more serious than an annoyance or a nuisance. While there are some common causes of blocked or obstructed airways such as allergies or colds, chronic snoring could be indicative a much deeper issue such as a symptom of a more serious health problem.

For example, the vibrations that snoring causes can result in arterial inflammation and trauma.  This can lead to atherosclerosis, a condition that causes hardening of the arteries and other vascular diseases.  Additionally, many uncomfortable complications such as concentration issues, daytime fatigue and sleepiness, and the elevated risk of accidents are commonly associated with chronic snoring.

The bottom line is that chronic and extremely loud snoring isn’t normal by any means and should be discussed with your doctor if you or your sleeping partner exhibits any snoring issues. Your doctor can help you determine why you snore. Understanding the cause of your snoring can be very helpful in treating it. If you and your partner or spouse is not getting the quality of sleep that you should, it may be time to consider an anti snoring remedies treatment.

Is Snoring more common among Men?

When it comes to snoring, there are definitely some gender distinctions to be aware of.  And yes, snoring is more common among men than women.  Due to their anatomical differences, 40% of all men snore compared to 30% of all women.  For instance, men are born with narrower air channels than women and is one of the reasons men snore more than women.  The narrower the air passageways, the harder it is for oxygen to flow normally when breathing.

In addition to this, when air passes through a narrow opening, the surrounding tissues vibrate aggressively and snoring volume increases as a result.  Statistics also show that men consume more alcohol and smoke more than women, thereby making them more vulnerable to snoring.  However, snoring isn’t necessarily a male or female health issue but a more generalized one.  There are certain reasons for snoring that only women can have and make them more susceptible to it than men including:

  • Exhaustion – when a person is really exhausted, muscle tissues are more relaxed.  This can make snoring worse.  The larynx relaxes when they get excessively tired and makes them more prone to snoring.
  • Menopause – this reduces muscle tone in a woman’s throat and causes them to snore.  During the perimenopause stage, the ovaries slowly reduce the production of estrogen and progesterone.  Some of the more common issues that occur during this stager are hot flashes, insomnia, mood disorders, and sleep-disordered breathing.  These issues are often accompanied by snoring.
  • Pregnancy – snoring is common during pregnancy and is caused when nasal blood vessels expand due to the weight gain that is attributed to being pregnant.
  • Weight gain – hormonal imbalances, menopause, and pregnancy are transitional stages wherein a woman’s metabolism is altered.  Snoring is closely associated with weight gain.  Gaining weight builds up the skin around the neck.  The added fat that results cause the air passage to narrow and hinders airflow which in turn causes us to snore loudly.
  • Loss of muscle mass– With age, the toned muscles start loosening up and the throat muscles become weaker so the airway tends to vibrate more with age. That is one of the reasons that more women as they age start snoring.

There is also the issue of snoring attributed to OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a sleeping disorder characterized by brief, repeated interruptions in a person’s breathing while they sleep.  Statistics from epidemiological studies show that 4% of adult males and 2% of adult females are diagnosed with OSA.

Due to change in the hormonal levels, hot flashes and disrupted sleep is higher. Along with weight gain and disrupted sleep, snoring becomes a common issue that affects menopausal women. Oftentimes, hormone therapy works for some to reduce the after effects of menopause while a more regulated lifestyle and exercise can help others stay fitter.

Why is Snoring a common Side Effect of Menopause?

For those women who are convinced that their snoring has gotten worse as they’ve grown older, you’re not imagining this.  A recent study found that 58% of snorers are between the ages of 50 and 59.  There 3 reasons women snore during menopause:

  • Their hormones are changing and there is an elevated risk of developing sleep apnea.
  • Their muscle tone decreases all over their bodies as they get older, including the muscles of the throat.
  • They put on extra weight as they age, especially around the neck.

Whether male or female, if you are a chronic snorer, Asonor Anti snoring Solution can help reduce the occurrences of your snoring issues. This product has been clinically proven to be effective for the treatment of snoring in 3 out of every 4 cases studied.

To learn more about this amazingly effective anti-snoring product, visit the Asonor website or e-mail us for more information at [email protected] today. Additionally, our business representatives are available to take your questions, offer you more information and help you sleep better.


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