The consequences of snoring are much more serious than an inconvenient disruption in one’s sleep pattern. In addition to the health issues and fatigue that are associated with snoring, it is now known that frequent snoring can actually cause harm to the brain. The most recent research on brain health and snoring shows the damage that can occur, and further emphasizes why it is crucial to stop chronic snoring as soon as possible. If you or someone you know struggles with snoring, it is important to understand the potential risks involved. Here are three of the top ways that snoring can harm your brain health.

Earlier memory decline

Studies have shown that people who snore heavily, or who have sleep apnea, are more likely to develop memory and cognitive disorders at an earlier age than the rest of the population. While it has been proven that snoring and memory/cognitive issues are associated with one another, it has not yet been determined if snoring is the cause. However, according to preliminary findings, it appears that treating heavy snoring and sleep apnea can at least delay the onset of these conditions.

Reduced benefits of sleep

The positive effects of sleep on the brain have been researched and discussed for decades. It is a well-known fact that getting the proper amount of sleep each night improves your memory, boosts creativity, decreases your risk of developing depression, and improves your overall ability to think clearly. However, when you snore regularly, your sleep quality is disrupted. Regular disruption of your sleep causes you to get less sleep than what is necessary, which robs you of the many brain benefits of healthy sleep patterns.

Brain damage

An even more disturbing consequence of snoring is the physical damage it can cause to your brain. Research has shown that untreated sleep apnea can actually change the shape of the brain, damage neurons, and significantly affect the level of chemicals in the brain. It is thought that the oxygen deprivation that occurs with sleep apnea is the top culprit of the most substantial damage. The physical brain damage caused by sleep apnea can result in poor memory, emotional problems, as well as decreased cognitive functioning.”

Correcting snoring to improve brain health

Because of its many risks to the brain (as well as other areas of your health), it is incredibly important to treat your snoring. Whether you suffer from heavy snoring or sleep apnea, the impact of these conditions is real and measureable. Correcting your snoring can help improve your brain health, prevent brain damage, and reduce the risk of developing memory decline.

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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