Have you started snoring suddenly? You must be wondering what happened that triggered your snoring. Did you notice that your snoring gets worse during different seasons or times of the year? If you’re snoring worsens when the seasons change and you find that your snoring intensifies during particular times of the year, you could be what is known as a “seasonal snorer.”

Everything ranging from allergies to colds as well as changes in your local weather can affect how much your snoring disturbs your sleeping partner. Whether it is winters or summers, different triggers affect people. If your snoring problems fluctuate during the year, read the following to find out why.

Fall and Winter Snoring

While it’s possible to catch a cold in any one of the 4 seasons, you’re going to be more susceptible to colds and other viral infections when the temperatures drop.  This is attributed to the fact that you spend more time inside instead of outdoors where an infection has an easier time of spreading.  Furthermore, you’re not as exposed to the sun’s protective Vitamin D when staying indoors most of the time.  It has also been speculated that colder weather tends to dampen your immune response.

When you catch a cold, your upper respiratory track gets attacked by different viruses.  When you combine that with the body’s defense mechanisms known as the immune system, blood vessels inside your nose swell up and cause nasal blockages.  When this happens, you start breathing through your mouth, thereby narrowing the airway and causing the air you’re breathing to become turbulent.  As a result, it might cause you to start snoring.  Here are 4 ways to sleep better on those cooler fall and winter nights:

  • If you have a humidifier, use it or go buy one if you don’t.
  • Keep your head elevated.
  • Take a hot shower before going to bed.
  • Use a nasal decongestant or Asonor Anti-snoring Solution.

If your snoring habits change with the seasons and time of year, these simple steps can help you sleep better in colder weather.

Spring and Summer Snoring

Snoring is often attributed to seasonal allergies, but pollen allergies (hay fever) can make it difficult to sleep during spring and summer nights.  Since allergies enter the body through the nose (in most cases), it affects this area the most.  Your blood flow increases, while at the same time releasing inflammatory molecules.  This causes nasal blockage and turns you into a roaring mouth breather.  This tends to dehydrate the tissues at the back of your mouth and throat, causing you to store.

If you want to sleep better during those warmer spring and summer nights, the following useful tips may help:

  • Decongest your nasal passages – pollen allergies or hay fever can inflame and swell the nasal passages and make it difficult to breathe through your nose.
  • Get your feather duster out – dust where needed, keep the windows shut, and vacuum your carpeting and rugs to remove pollen that settled in your carpeting or on your flooring.
  • Take a shower – pollen is very sticky and will remain in your hair until your wash it out.  Furthermore, it can stay on your clothes for hours as well, even if you’ve been inside for a while after being outdoors.  If you shower before bedtime, it can help remove any pollen remaining on your skin.
  • Using a humidifier:Dry air can dry the nasal passages, leading to swelling of the airways. That causes a higher risk of snoring. If you are in a region that is predominantly dry, it helps to humidify your home to reduce snoring at night.

Following these seasonal tips could affect how noisy you are when sleeping.  The reasons listed above just may be what are causing your seasonal snoring problems.

4 Reasons People snore less during Summertime?

If you’re a confirmed seasonal snorer, you probably snore less during the summer than any other time of year.  There are 4 reasons why this might be the case:

  • you have fewer allergy flare-ups
  • you have more exposure to Vitamin D from the sun
  • you’re using fewer medications to fight allergies and colds
  • you’re eating healthier and exercising

Because snoring can adversely affect the quality of sleep you get, it’s important to know what triggers your snoring episodes, whether it’s a nightly occurrence or you only snore just some of the time. You may want to try Over-the-Counter snoring remedies like Asonor anti-snoring solution as one of the ways to stop snoring quickly. These nasal drops lubricate and tighten the airways, helping reduce the intensity of snoring considerably. In many cases, people stop snoring completely once they use it regularly. Isn’t it worth giving it a try?

5 Ways to counteract Seasonal Snoring

We understand how difficult it can be to get restful sleep when you snore and for your bed partner it can be equally difficult. That is why if you’re snoring problems tend to change with the seasons, here is what you can do to minimize those issues:

  • Buy and use a humidifier (if you don’t already have one).
  • Decongest your nasal passages before going to bed.
  • Elevate your head instead of lying flat on your back.
  • Talk to your doctor about an allergy treatment.
  • Visit our website to purchase Asonor Anti-snoring Solution

If you’ve tried the first four tips and you’re still suffering with snoring issues during the different seasons of the year, you should consider trying our anti-snoring solution.  Our product has been clinically tested and proven to be effective in 3 out of every 4 cases studied. 

For additional information about our anti-snoring solution, send us an e-mail at [email protected].  Of if you wish to order Asonor anti-snoring solution online, visit our website. It is available on major e-commerce websites. Our business representatives are available for your assistance. Call now!


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