From gentle noisy breathing to loud snorts, snoring is an issue that affects every age group from children to the elderly. It has been estimated that snoring affects 57% of all men, 40% of all women, and 27% of all children. While these statistics clearly show how widespread snoring is, its health implications and severity can vary dramatically. Occasional snoring can be light and not concerning while at other times, be indicative or a more serious underlying breathing disorder.
Understanding the basics of snoring, such as its cause, coping with it, knowing when its dangerous, and treating it can eliminate problems in a relationship while at the same time facilitating better health and well-being. Although snoring tends to get worse as we age, you’ll be more prone to snoring if you’re a middle-aged or older male, overweight, or a postmenopausal female. However, in some cases as mentioned above, snoring could be associated with something more serious or even life-threatening.
Why do you Snore?
Snoring is the harsh sound that occurs when your breathing gets obstructed during sleep. This can result from several different factors including bulky throat tissue, a long soft palate or uvula, or poor muscle tone. It could also be indicative of a treatable health issue that interferes with your breathing during sleep including:
- A deviated septum
- Nasal congestion caused by allergies, a cold or a sinus infection
- Nasal polyps
From a technical perspective, snoring results when the tissues at the back of the throat near the airway rattle and vibrate. As you sleep, the throat muscles loosen, causing a narrowing of the airway. As you inhale and exhale the airflow causes throat tissues to flutter and make the snoring noise.
Certain individuals may be more prone to snoring than others due to the shape and size of their neck muscles and tissues. In other instances, a narrowing of the airway or tissues that relax excessively can cause you to snore. Furthermore, there are certain factors that contribute to an elevated risk of snoring such as:
- Chronic nasal congestion
- Consuming alcohol
- Enlarged adenoids or tonsils
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- A set-back or smaller jaw
- Using sedatives
Although snoring happens among all age groups including children, it is more common among men than women.
What can You Do?
In addition to home remedies and lifestyle changes (see below), one of the first things you can do is to learn about the basics of snoring including:
- What snoring is or the mechanics of snoring
- What causes it
- How to cope with it
- How to treat it
- How to know if it’s dangerous or a symptom of a more serious issue
It could be worthwhile to do some online research where the above is concerned before determining whether or not you condition warrants seeing a healthcare professional and finding the best anti snoring solution.
Lifestyle Changes and Remedies to Stop Snoring
Most of us are familiar with snoring whether our own or someone else’s. Snoring affects half of the global population, 25% of whom are chronic or habitual snorers. It can also be a nuisance to your significant other or spouse and affect their quality of sleep as well as your own. Luckily, there are certain lifestyle changes and remedies that provide us with easy ways to stop snoring including the following:
Avoid Alcohol Prior to Bedtime –
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that causes the throat muscles and tissues to relax more than normal. This will cause you to snore. So avoid drinking alcohol 2 or 3 hours prior to bedtime whenever possible. The same holds true where taking sedatives or sleeping pills is concerned.
Exercise –
When your throat and tongue muscles get too relaxed, you snore. It’s just that simple. You can exercise your throat muscles by singing. Even if this annoys your partner or roommates, it’s better than aggravating them with your snoring. Give your tongue a workout as well by sliding the tip back and forth behind your upper teeth for a few minutes every day.
Lose Weight If You are Overweight –
Individuals who are overweight are twice as likely to snore as those who maintain a healthy weight. People who are overweight have more fat around the neck which tends to narrow the airway and cause snoring. If you lose a few pounds, you may discover that you snore less. Making changes in your diet and getting enough sleep will help to shed some of those extra pounds.
Raise Up the Head of Your Bed –
Elevating the head of your bed is another anti-snoring solution that may help reduce snoring. In order for this to work, it takes more than simply adding pillows to your side of the bed. You have to elevate the frame, headboard, and mattress for this remedy to work effectively and reduce your snoring.
Sleep on Your Side –
Individuals who sleep on their backs usually snore more often than those who sleep on their sides. This is because back sleeping tends to block or narrow the airway. If you’ve noticed or your bed partner has told you that you snore when sleeping on your back, try sleeping on your side to see if that helps. Sleeping on one’s side is one of the more effective solutions for snoring
Stop Smoking –
If you smoke, you’re more likely to snore than a non-smoker. This is because smoking irritates the throat tissues and causes inflammation which in turn results in snoring. In addition to helping you stop snoring, quitting smoking has several other health benefits as well.
Structural Problems Within the Nose –
When there are structural issues within the nose, surgery may be the only option. An example of this is a deviated septum, or a sideways displacement of the central inner nostril wall. Symptoms of a deviated septum include congested nostrils, nosebleeds, and noisy breathing while sleeping or snoring.
Use Nasal Strips –
If you’re a nose snorer, this may mean that something is blocking or restricting the airflow through your nasal passages. One of the more popular anti-snoring products is nasal strips. The underside of these strips has an adhesive on them that sticks above the flares or each nostril. Once in place, the bands within the strip pull back to their original shape and lift the sides of each nostril to open up the nasal passages.
Expert Advice for Using Best Anti Snoring Remedies
In order to determine which anti snoring solution is right for you, it’s important to figure out what type of snorer you are. In most case studies, the way someone snores often tells us why they snore. Whenever there is a partial blockage or other obstruction in the upper airway, air cannot pass freely through the nose and throat, thereby causing you to snore. Depending on the cause of your airway closing or narrowing, you could be one of the following 4 types of snorers:
- Mouth Snorer – mouth snoring results when a person breathes through their mouth instead of their nose while they sleep. The possible causes could by a blockage in the nasal passages, enlarged adenoids or tonsils, or weak palate tissues.
- Nose Snorer – nose snoring often results from a deviated septum or some type of obstruction that blocks the airway and causes a person to snore. Other causes may include colds, dust, pet, and seasonal allergies; certain medications; and nasal passage stiffness.
- Throat Snorer – throat snoring is the loudest form of snoring and is often considered the most dangerous of the 4 types. In most cases, this type of snoring is associated with sleep apnea. If ignored or left untreated, throat snoring can lead to the onset of several health issues including cardiovascular issues, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and stroke.
- Tongue Snorer – tongue snoring results when a person sleeps on their backs. This type of snoring results when the tongue gets too relaxed, falls back into the throat, and blocks the flow of air as you try to inhale and exhale. People who enjoy drinking alcohol, take sedatives, or use sleep medications are prone to tongue snoring.
When shopping for anti-snoring products or other solutions for snoring, it’s important to keep the above information in mind. Additionally, if you’re a chronic or frequent snorer, you probably aren’t getting the quality of sleep that is needed to ensure a good night’s rest.
Snoring sounds can range from relatively quiet vibrations to extremely loud grumbling, rumbling, or snorting. Ironically, some individuals never realize they have a snoring problem until their partner or spouse complains to them about it. Individuals who snore frequently may spend the night tossing and turn, feel tired the next day, or have a dry or sore throat when they first wake up in the morning.
Furthermore, the lack of quality sleep can cause concentration and focusing difficulties, headaches, irritability, and moodiness. The bottom line is that snoring issues can be complex and often complicated. To ensure getting a good night’s sleep, try Asonor Anti snoring Spray and Solution by TannerMedico, the anti snoring solution that has been clinically proven to be effective in 3 out of every 4 cases studied.
Click here to visit the Asonor website or send us an e-mail at [email protected].
Also Read- Best Natural Remedy Snoring to Help You Sleep Well