Over the past half century, science has learned a lot about snoring and how to sleep better.  We know about the causes of snoring and we’ve also learned about some very effective anti-snoring devices and solutions.  But what exactly is it and why is it more common in some people than others? So let’s get down to basics.  Snoring is the harsh, rattling and often noisy sound that is caused by restricted breathing while you sleep.

As we fall asleep, the muscles in the throat relax.  Your tongue tends to slip back, which narrows your airway and restricts your airflow as you inhale and exhale.  If there is a blockage at the back of the nose or in the throat (e.g., enlarged adenoids, enlarged tonsils, nasal polyps, or a sinus infection), it causes additional narrowing of the airway.  As a result, the loose throat muscles begin vibrating and cause the snoring sound.

Interestingly enough, snoring is not exclusively a problem among adults; children snore as well.  If your son’s or daughter’s snoring is chronic, excessively loud, or irregular, you should talk to your pediatrician.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you should screen your child for snoring as this could indicate a problem with their adenoids or tonsils, or even be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea.

What causes Us to snore?

The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 42% of all adult males are aware of their snoring compared to 31% of all adult females.  Furthermore, there are a number of underlying conditions that can cause you to snore such as:

  • alcohol and/or sedatives
  • anatomical structure of the mouth, nose, or throat
  • elongated palate or uvula
  • excess weight or obesity
  • nasal obstructions
  • pregnancy
  • sleeping on your back
  • weak throat or tongue muscles

If you are a snorer and any one or more of the above factors apply to you, we suggest you see your physician as soon as possible.

What can You do about Your Snoring?

Since no two snorers are alike, it’s important to determine what is the best anti-snoring device or solution for each individual.  There are a number of ways you can counteract snoring.  These range from non-invasive methods such as lifestyle changes, to mildly invasive devices such as CPAP machines or oral appliances, to invasive procedures such as surgical procedures performed on the upper airway.  Here is a breakdown.

Lifestyle changes include:

  • antihistamine nasal sprays or steroid nasal sprays to clear congestion
  • avoiding or reducing alcohol and/or sedative consumption, especially at night
  • getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night
  • losing weight
  • quitting smoking
  • raising the headboard of your bed
  • sleeping on your side
  • using nasal sprays to reduce congestion
  • using nasal strips to help open the nostrils

Learning how to sleep better may involve mildly invasive measures that will help you stop snoring.  This could include finding the best anti-snoring device to use such as:

. CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure machine

Pressurized air is directed to your airway from a bedside pump through a mask worn over the mouth and nose.  Some sleep experts believe this is the best anti-snoring devices because it effectively treats OSA or obstructive sleep apnea.

. Oral appliances

Often used instead of CPAP machines if they cause discomfort, dryness of the mouth, excessive salivation, or foreign body sensations.  Some of the more common oral appliances include:

. Chin straps

Helps to keep your mouth closed during sleep, thereby forcing you to breathe through your nose.

. Mandibular advancement devices or MAD’s

Help to temporarily move the jaw and tongue forward and increase the size of the airway.  In turn, this reduces constriction in the throat.  (NOTE:  these devices are not recommended for people who have severe dental issues or wear dentures.)

. Tongue-retaining devices or TRD

Prevents the tongue from falling back into the front of the throat and restricting airflow.

. Vestibular shields

Obstruct airflow through the mouth, and promote nasal breathing, and prevent snoring.

If the lifestyle changes and mildly invasive treatments above fail to eliminate or reduce your snoring, there may be no other options than an invasive surgical procedure.  There are several upper airway surgical procedures that will help prevent it from narrowing while you sleep including:

. Hypoglossal nerve stimulation

A relatively newer surgical procedure that applies stimuli to the nerves that control the tongue’s forward movement so it doesn’t block the airway when inhaling or exhaling.

. MMA or maxillomandibular advancement

This procedure helps to open the airway by surgically moving the lower and upper jaw forward.

. Radiofrequency tissue ablation

Low-intensity radiofrequency signals are used to shrink the tissues of the nose, soft palate, or throat.

. UPPP or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

This is like a face-lift but it’s for your throat.  After being administered a general anesthetic, the excess throat tissue is tightened and trimmed by a surgeon.

The efficacy of these surgical procedures typically varies with the person being treated.  So it’s often difficult to predict how each person will respond to them. Usually, over the counter remedies work for mild snorers or those that are snoring due to allergies. Only a fraction of snorers find relief with surgery, while most stop snoring with OTC stop snoring methods.

Due to the abundance of products and treatments available today, it can be difficult to determine which is the best anti-snoring device or solution to use since not all of them deliver on their promise of how to sleep better without snoring.  But Tanner Medico has researched and studied the numerous causes of snoring and created Asonor Anti-snoring Spray and Snoring Solution.  This product has been clinically proven to be effective in 3 out of every 4 cases studied.  For more information, e-mail your questions to [email protected]. Our business representatives are available to take your call today.

Read More: https://www.asonor.com/blog/anti-snoring-solutions-that-provide-snoring-relief/

About Asonor Team

Asonor is the market leader in Denmark within its category. Asonor effect on snoring is clinically proven and was registered in 2005 by the health authorities in the EU. Today Asonor is registered by the health authorities in more than 70 countries. At Asonor, we aim to help you sleep comfortably, breathe easier and live healthier. We are the world leading brand in anti-snoring medicine, distributing worldwide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors.


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